Laser Therapy
At Petrolia Chiropractic Dr. Parish offers laser therapy for a range of various painful conditions including joint, muscle and other soft tissue injuries. The Apollo class 4 laser system is safe and one of the most advanced pain-relieving lasers on the market.
Conditions that can be helped:
When we wouldn't use lasers:
Laser therapy is used to reduce pain and promote healing. It is not a cure for these conditions but can play an important part in their management. Contraindications to light therapy may include tumors, skin cancer, pregnancy, over dark coloured tattoos or infections and drugs that cause photosensitivity or immunosuppressants.
Joint problems
• Osteoarthritis
• Rheumatoid Arthritis for pain relief
• Ligament & Tendon injuries
• Chondromalacia Patella
Chronic pain conditions
• Post Herpetic Neuralgia
• Chronic Back & Neck Pain
• Brachial Neuralgia
• Plantar Fasciitis
• Frozen Shoulder
• Carpal Tunnel - Gluteal Tendinopathy
Deep soft tissue Injuries
• Capsulitis, Bursitis
• Sprains & Strains
• Haematomas
• Tendinitis,
• Myofascial Trigger Points